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Privacy Policy

This policy has been drawn up in compliance with current Italian privacy legislation, pursuant to regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the principles developed by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data and by the equivalent European authorities. The Data Controller of the personal data collected is Vincenzo Schettino Piazza Belinzaghi 3 22012 Cernobbio - The personal data provided expressly by users who send requests of any kind via direct email or contact form are used in order to follow up on them and are communicated only to third parties involved in the processing of the request. The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this website entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to respond to communications via e-mail, as well as any other personal data spontaneously inserted in the e-mail.

Data can only be accessed by those people who need it for the purposes indicated, whose name, job and related permissions are written in the corporate compliance with the GDPR. External recipients: We only pass personal data on to external recipients if this is necessary for the processing or fulfillment of your request, if there is another legal authorization or obligation or if you have given us your consent to do so. They can be: a) Data processors such as external suppliers that we use for the provision of services, or for the supply of contractually relevant content. These request processors are carefully selected and regularly checked by us to ensure that your privacy is preserved. Service providers may use the data only for the purposes specified by us and in accordance with our instructions. b) Public bodies Governmental authorities and institutions, such as prosecutors, courts or tax authorities to which we must transfer personal data to comply with legal obligations. The transmission takes place in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, letter c) of the GDPR. We keep your personal data only for the time necessary for the pursuit of the intended purposes or, in case of consent, until the consent has been revoked. In case of opposition to the processing, we will delete your personal data, unless their further processing is necessary to pursue other legitimate purposes of the processing. We will also delete your personal data when we are obliged to do so for any legal obligations.

We will also delete your personal data when the following conditions are met: - In the event that the legal basis on which the processing is based should no longer be valid, unless further storage is necessary to fulfill legal obligations or to pursue other legitimate purposes of the processing. If the latter occurs, we will delete the data after the additional legal basis also ceases. - When they are no longer necessary for the purposes of preparing and executing a contract or legitimate interests and there is no other legal basis such as in the event that further storage is necessary to fulfill legal obligations in the field of taxation or conservation of business documents. The website is protected by specific security measures, always in line with technological progress and with the evolution of IT risks. We inform you that, despite doing everything reasonably possible to protect the site and any personal data provided by surfers, in the current state of technology it is not possible to completely avoid the risk of security in navigation or transmission of data by e-mail: no transmission via the Internet or e-mail can never be said to be perfectly secure or error-free. The use of passwords, identification numbers (IDs) or other special access keys on this website is the responsibility of the user. The "right to be forgotten" allows you to request that your personal data be deleted without undue delay, for certain reasons. For example, it is possible to request cancellation if it is no longer necessary to use the user's personal data. If you wish to exercise any of the rights mentioned above, please send an e-mail to the address.

Last updated: 01/06/2023

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